“The liberation of the oppressed is a liberation of women and men, not things. Accordingly, while no one liberates [herself/himself/themselves] by [her/his/their] own efforts alone, neither is [she/him/they] liberated by others.”
— Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed

TUWU believes in the importance of political education. Liberation cannot happen without the people who are most affected by systemic and workplace exploitation first becoming self-aware of the contradictions within the economic system, their role in the economy, and their belief in their ability to take action and achieve changes.
Through political education, low-wage immigrant workers at TUWU gain an understanding of how systems operate both at work and at the policy level. They can reimagine themselves in an economy that is centered around their needs as workers.
Workers develop an intersectional framework that connects their fight for dignity and respect to those of Black communities, Indigenous people, Women, LGBTQ+ and people in the Global South fighting for justice. Workers are able to form proactive mutual aid networks with their peers and share a commitment to benefit a broader base of workers.
One-on-One In-Depth Conversations with an Organizer
As part of our leadership development work, we support low-wage immigrant workers so that they can engage critically in current conversations on recent news and topics that are affecting their workplace or broader community.
Dignity School
Members participate in an intensive political education program that spans two days covering topics like systems of oppression, skills-building, resilience and activities connected to their lived experience and their role in developing the U.S economy as immigrant working-class people. Members are also able to deepen their knowledge of organizing and anchor their efforts in a historical movement of working-class communities fighting for dignity and respect.
Liberation School
After Dignity School, members are able to continue deepening their political education on topics that intersect with their experience and topics of interest, including training on health and safety at the workplace. The goal of Liberation School is for member leaders to identify ways they can advance the abolition of labor exploitation and contribute to struggles on issues related to the economy, immigration, and health.
Sessions of the People
TUWU hosts a series of political education sessions revolving around a myriad of topics that allow workers leaders engage in critical discussions together, learn from various communities and workers from different industries, and connect these learnings to their lived experience. Some past topics have included patriarchy & feminism, Black history and community organizing, and economic structures and our class-based role within them.