At TUWU, we envision a Bay Area where immigrant workers collectively fight for and win dignity and respect, effectively transforming their workplace and region. Through organizing and political education, we challenge economic injustice and build bargaining power to support workers in their struggle for a dignified workplace.
We believe that all people have the right to dignity and respect at work.
We use leadership development, workers rights services, advocacy, and community organizing in order to build collective power for workers.

“I encourage workers to join our worker center! There is much to learn about our rights and how to respect each other.”
Roger M. (SF)

“My message to workers is: let’s leave the house, the television for an hour to build organization with our peers.
Alone, we may not have the disproportionate power of corporations, but together, we have people’s power, collective voices, and collective action. That is enough. As long as there is unity, voice, and action, we will succeed.”
Maria S. (OAK)

“Don’t be afraid of retaliation. You are not alone. Being part of a worker center is important so you learn about your rights and have peers willing to support you. We have the right to uplift our voices, be respected, and demand for our rights.”
Guadalupe Y. (SF)